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Title: Mathematical Model of High Voltage Sandwich Bus Duct
Authors: Ramnani, Vishal
Parekh, Mrunal
Dholakiya, Vihang
Buch, Gaurang
Keywords: Bus Duct System (BDS)
Skin Effect and Proximity Effect
Mutual Inductance
EM (Electro Magnetic) Loss
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 8-Sep-2014
Citation: International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE) 2014, Mississippi State University, USA and  Poznan University of Technology, Poland, September 8 - 11, 2014, Page No. 1 -4
Series/Report no.: ITFEE039-1;
Abstract: Bus duct technology is widely used due to its compactness and high current carrying capacity. Sandwich bus duct is energy efficient and compact technology in LT (Low Tension) systems. This paper aims the mathematical modeling of HT (High Tension) bus duct for 7.2 kV system and the comparison of voltage drop and power loss in HV (High Voltage) sandwich Bus duct and in conventional Air insulated phase bus duct (AIPBD). Maximum potential gradient and magnetic flux density is calculated using finite element method (FEM) approach, through which capacitance and inductance matrix are derived which leads to mathematical model of HV sandwich bus duct. Effect of Mutual inductance on voltage drop and power loss is shown. A commercial finite element code Maxwell 2D/3D and Ansoft Simplorer is used for prototype sandwich bus duct design.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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