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Title: Advanced Information Searching using Ontology-Based Web Services
Authors: Datt, Rajan
Tripathi, Priyanka
Shah, Rushabh
Keywords: Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: National Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (NCAET-2012), Kalol Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Kalol
Series/Report no.: ITFCA011-3;
Abstract: Searching and finding information are parts of our daily use of the World Wide Web. Instead of the general used keyword-based search sites we focus on an ontology based search approach for advanced information access. In the key word based web search most of the key words may have different meaning in different state or may have different key words for same meaning. Thus we do not always skim out the correct required data and the usage of web services are not done appropriately. Ontology describes the semantics of the profound data archive, where the web services are arranged according to their values and relationships rather than on the keywords. The user can select values from this ontology to specify search parameters. This ontology based search system is provided as a Web Service, which allows access to the data archive not only limited
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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