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Title: Hazards of Mobile Waves & Prevention Studies
Authors: Shah, Rushabh
Gupta, Barkha
Desai, Khushali
Keywords: SAR
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Radiation Shields
Issue Date: Dec-2013
Publisher: IJCTEE
Series/Report no.: ITFCA009-1
Abstract: Mobile is the one of the biggest technology evolution of 21st Century. In this era use of mobile phones has taken long jumps to be part of daily life of commoner. The number of mobile phones users has been grown rapidly in the last decade. Now after this much widespread of mobile there were some lights thrown on how the mobile radiates the Waves and how this Radiation can be harmful to us. This paper will depict you how mobile phone works, what is radiation, how radiation is hazardous to us, how mobile phone is related to radiations, radiation done by mobile phone, how to take precautions to avoid those
ISSN: 2249-6343
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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