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Title: Performance Analysis of Region of Interest Based Compression Method for Medical Images
Authors: Shah, Rushabh
Sharma, Priyanka
Shah, Rutvi
Keywords: DICOM Image
Lossy Compressi
Medical Image Compression
Region of Interes
Haar Wavelet
Performance Analysis
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2014
Citation: Fourth International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, Rohtak, India, February 8-9, 2014, Page No. 53-58
Series/Report no.: ITFCA009-2
Abstract: In medical domain the high quality image data is maintained with the help of highly efficient servers across the network. There are some areas of medicine where it is sufficient to maintain high image quality only for diagnostically important regions, for example, tumor region of the brain MRI. Thus, the regions of interest are compressed with almost zero data loss while transmitting and storing the images, while the rest of image may possess less quality. This paper represents a compression method based on ROI, its performance
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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