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Title: "A Survey for Recommeder System " - With Latest Challenges
Authors: Patel, Jitali
Keywords: Collaborative Filtering
Content Based Filtering
Hybrid Filtering
Personalized Recommendation
Recommender System
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jun-2014
Series/Report no.: ITFCE035-1;
Abstract: Today people are flooded with many options on internet. Recommender system collect information about the item according to the preferences of the users. Recommender system are successfully implemented in different e-commerce setting. The objective of this paper is to show various techniques being used for recommendation and to discuss various challenges especially for the web media sites.
Description: International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering & Technology, Vol. 5 (6), June, 2014, Page No. 15 - 22
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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