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Title: Future Trends In Human – Machine Interface
Authors: Vashi, Devendra I.
Patel, Ketan
Keywords: Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2011
Citation: C. U. Shah College of Engineering & Technology, Wadhwan City. (India), April - September, 2011
Series/Report no.: ITFCA008-4;
Abstract: As the power of modern computers grows alongside our understanding of the human brain, we move ever closer to making some pretty spectacular science fiction into reality. Imagine transmitting signals directly to someone's brain that would allow them to see, hear or feel specific sensory inputs. Consider the potential to manipulate computers or machinery with nothing more than a thought. It isn't about convenience -- for severely disabled people, could be the most important technological breakthrough in decades Intelligencemeets artificial intelligence A person using the MAIA BCI to control a wheelchair, for example, only has to think about going straight ahead or turning left and the chair follows their command. However, they do not have to worry about colliding with obstacles – even moving ones such as people – because the wheelchair itself monitors and reacts to its environment. “A user can tell the chair to go straight ahead, but it will not just randomly roll in that direction if there is a wall or a flight of stairs in the way,” Researcher notes. “What we have done is combine the intelligence of the person with the artificial intelligence of the device.” In a sense, the artificial intelligence embedded in the chair acts much like a human’s subconscious. People, for example, do not consciously send commands to every muscle in each leg in order to walk and do not think where to step to avoid an obstacle – they do it subconsciously. Similarly, a wheelchair-bound user of the MAIA BCI simply has to send the signal to go in a certain direction and the chair figures out how to get there. But the user always stays in control!
Description: International Journal Of Computer Applications In Engineering, Technology And Sciences (IJ-CA-ETS), 2011
ISSN: 0974-3596
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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