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Title: Pressure Dependent Lattice Specific Heat and Mode Grüneisen Parameters for Group III Nitrides
Authors: Shinde, Satyam
Pandya, Ankur
Jha, Prafulla
Keywords: Pressure
Specific Heat
Grüneisen Parameters
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Aug-2010
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Citation: Proceedings of AIP,1249, 5th National Conference of Thermophysical Properties, (NCTP-09), Page No. 174 - 178
Series/Report no.: ITFEC031-1;
Abstract: The pressure dependent lattice specific heat and mode Grüneisen parameters for III-V nitrides have been calculated using a lattice dynamical model namely the rigid ion model which consists of a usual long range and short range potential. The Murnaghan’s equation of state is adopted for relating the volume dependence with pressure. The non linear least square fitting procedures to obtain the model parameters have been used. The results obtained using the present model calculation on mode Grüneisen parameters and specific are compared with existing experimental data and found in good agreement. There is a increase in in specific heat with pressure. The mode Grüneisen parameters show that the TA phonon mode is responsible for phase transition.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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