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Title: Hot electron scattering Rates via LO-Phonon emission in Two Dimensional GaAs1-xNx
Authors: Pandya, Ankur
Shinde, Satyam
Jha, Prafulla
Keywords: Hot Electron
Phonons Interaction
Diluted Nitride Semiconductor
LO phonons
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jul-2009
Series/Report no.: ITFEC031-3;
Abstract: The carrier energy loss rate is studied under low and high electric fields at low temperature with the help of electron- phonon interactions via deformation potential coupling mechanism for two dimensional GaAs1−xNx. We observed that at low temperatures, the energy relaxation rate decreases with high electric fields but increases with nitrogen concentration. The electron energy loss rate decreases with nitrogen concentrations at low temperatures. The electron energy loss rate is found to be negative up to certain electric field due to phonon absorption and beyond that, there is phonon emission. The electron drift velocity increases with field but deceases with nitrogen concentration.
Description: Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol. 47, July, 2009, Page No. 523 - 526
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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