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Title: A Low Power Variable Gain Amplifier for Biomedical Application
Authors: Panchal, Dipesh
Naik, Amisha
Devashrayee, N. M.
Keywords: Weak Inversion
Strong Inversion
Miller Compensated Opamp
Hearing Aid
Variable Gain Amplifier
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: STM Journals
Series/Report no.: ITFEC032-3;
Abstract: This paper describes the design and simulation of low power variable gain amplifier used for biomedical application like hearing aid, Electronic Cardiograph and neural recording system. The MOS transistor is designed to operate in subthreshold region for low power application. The gain of amplifier is changed by selecting different values of input capacitor in the frequency range of 20Hz–20KHz. The simulated total power dissipation is 3μW. The gain variation is from 10–30dB with supply voltage of 1.8V in TSMC 0.18 μm process using mentor graphics.
Description: Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology, Vol. 4 (3), 2014, Page No. 1 - 5
ISSN: 2249-474X (online)
2321-6492 (print)
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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