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Title: Biofuels from Renewable Resources
Authors: Sahajpal, Shreya
Chokshi, Nikita
Keywords: Biofuels
First Generation Biofuel
Second Generation Biofuel
Third Generation Biofuel
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jul-2012
Citation: 28th National Convention for Chemical Engineers, July, 2012
Series/Report no.: ITFCH018-3;
Abstract: Biofuels have become a popular way to use renewable biomass energy and have emerged as a potentially major alterative to gasoline and diesel transportation fuels derived from petroleum. Interest has been growing in the large-scale application of biofuels to address the global challenges of oil price hikes, greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels, global climate change, and shifting away from increasingly scarce and environmentally and politically risky petroleum supplies. This paper provides basic information about biofuels, classification of biofuels, benefits and implications of using biofuels and impacts of biofuel production.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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