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Title: Shale Gas- Future Scope & Challenges
Authors: Chokshi, Nikita
Shah, Khyati
Gangdev, Brinda
Keywords: Shale Gas
Hydraulic Fracturing
Horizontal Drilling
Waterless Fracturing
Liquid Propane Gas Fracturing
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jan-2014
Publisher: IJLTEMAS
Series/Report no.: ITFCH018-8;
Abstract: Coal is the major fuel for India today. But with the depleting coal reserves and the increasing demands of fuel, we need an alternative. Shale gas (a form of natural gas available in shale rocks) is the most promising alternative. Shale gas is considered to create less harm to environment, as compared to coal. The exploration techniques include hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. But these techniques have certain drawbacks related to land and water resources. There are companies which have found an alternative technique-Waterless fracturing. The liquid propane gas fracturing among the various techniques is found to be more viable. The exploration techniques are found to be cheaper than coal mining in the long run. Also it can reduce our energy import bills.
Description: International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management &Applied Science, Vol. 3 (1), January, 2014, Page No. 107 - 111
ISSN: 2278 - 2540
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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