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Title: PEM Fuel Cell as a Non-Conventional Drinking Water Source
Authors: Bora, Leena
Chokshi, Nikita
Keywords: PEM Fuel Cell
Drinking Water
Cell Characteristics
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 24-Feb-2014
Citation: Aqua-2014, IWC-14, G.H. Patel Engineering College, Anand
Series/Report no.: ITFCH009-3;
Abstract: The scarcity of potable water is a worldwide problem and researchers all over the globe are trying to address this issue. The other major area of focus world over is the energy crisis. Fossil fuels are not only getting depleted day by day, but are also responsible for pollution, which is another serious issue. A fuel cell device comes to our aid as an alternative source of energy. A proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) reacts hydrogen with oxygen to release the exothermic heat and provide water as a byproduct. Thus a PEM fuel can be seen as a probable candidate that can address all the three major issues of energy crisis, pollution and drinking water scarcity, simultaneously. In the current review paper, the potential of a PEMFC has been analysed w.r.t the various variables and parameters like the reaction stoichiometry, temperature, pressure, etc. that affect the oxygen transport, fuel cell power and working so as to maximise heat and water production.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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