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Title: Studies on Design For Maximum Water Reuse For Single Contaminants
Authors: Patel, Ronak
Milind, Joshipura
Parag, Saxena
Suryavanshi, Pravin
Keywords: Single Contaminant
Water Networking
Open Source Software
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 7-Feb-2014
Citation: Indian Water Congress, GCET Vallabh Vidyanagar, February 7 - 8, 2014
Series/Report no.: ITFCH034-6;
Abstract: Water is being used in most process industries, agriculture and for a wide range of applications. To fulfil this demand the sources of clean water are limited and decreasing in many areas due to droughts, changes in climatic conditions. Increasingly society no longer has the luxury of using water only once. However, the adaption of water minimization techniques can effectively reduce overall fresh water demand in water using processes and subsequently reduce the amount of effluent generated. The aim of this study is finding an appropriate way to minimize water utility due to high rate of water consumption and wastewater generation. In this study, different design methods for maximum water reuse are considered for single contaminants. An open source software designed by Liu Resereach Group was also demonstrated to be used for networking water operations.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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