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Title: Secured Design and Development of Engineering E-Study Domain Cloud Architecture
Authors: Bhatnagar, Monica
Keywords: Computer 2013
Project Report 2013
Computer Project Report
Project Report
INS 2013
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MCEI11;
Abstract: Cloud computing can be characterized as new style of computing which pro- vides ebulliently scalable and virtualized resources as an usable service over the internet. It facilitates users with many characteristics such as on demand self-services, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, broad network access etc. While availing these services, data security and authorized access control is biggest challenge in cloud computing, as the users redirect their sensitive data to Cloud Service Provider(CSP) making it vulnerable to invalid access. To mitigate these issues, currently cryptographic techniques are used as a solution which causes overhead on data users as well as CSP. In addition to addressing above mentioned issues, proposed work also presents a cloud based architecture for engineering e-study domain which is secured using modi- ed Di e Hellman algorithm. This architecture facilitates researchers and students of engineering domain to access IT assets, hook on and o er their ideas which shapes data centric research abilities. Proposed architecture ful l the need of on-demand exible and low cost computing resources. Also to secure user's data les, three-way protection is done using modi ed Di e- Hellman key exchange algorithm followed by encryption and compression algorithm. This encryption process serves as Trusted Computing Platform to the architecture. The propose algorithm counteract the Man-in-the-Middle attack and plain text attack using a mathematical model based on random number and logarithms, to secure the communication channel and also counters the above mentioned attack. The pro- posed architecture achieves confidentiality, integrity and authentication QOS parameters of cloud computing.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (INS)

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