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Title: Human Machine Interface System
Authors: Mahidadia, Pratik
Keywords: EC 2013
Project Report
Project Report 2013
EC Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2013
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MECC08;
Abstract: HMI is an acronym for Human Machine Interface. It provides an interface between user and machine. HMI can be considered as an embedded system comprising hardware, software and interface. Hardware consists of processor, memory, display, driver ICs for various peripherals, mechanical body and the physical interface for communication. HMI supports many interfaces like UART-RS232, RS485, USB/OTG, SDcard, Ethernet, CAN, audio mic and speaker. HMI is connected to PLC and different large machines are connected to PLC through drive. In this project, HMI board bring-up is prepared which is a part of an electronics system. It is including testing of hardware, firmware, and peripherals. The test codes and scripts are written to test them. The pin configuration modification is proposed for BSP to configure peripheral as per hardware requirement. The BSP does not includes driver support package for some peripherals like RS485 so driver package is configured. The graphical user interface application is developed using OpenAPC and Qt platforms. It provides real time interface to control attached devices to HMI. The GUI application is designed which consists of two water tanks and two motors. HMI controls and also sets the water level of tanks and speed of motors. HMI generates an alarm for various cases defined by the user. The GUI application is tested with PLC.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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