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Title: Design of Close Range Photogrammetry System for Stereo Vision of Rover on Inter Planetary Mission
Authors: Majithia, Ashish
Keywords: Mechanical 2013
Project Report
Project Report 2013
Mechanical Project Report
CAD/CAM 2013
Close Range Photogrammetry
Machine Vision
Stereo Vision
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MMCC03;
Abstract: Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs, especially for recovering the exact positions of global points. Photogrammetry feeds the measurements from remote sensing and the results of imagery analysis into computational models in an attempt to successively estimate, with increasing accuracy, the actual, 3-D relative motions within the researched field. In Close-range Photogrammetry, the camera is close to the subject and is typically hand-held, on a tripod or can be on a vehicle too. Its applications include stereo vision of robot, accident scene reconstruction, forensics, archaeology, architecture & preservation, biology, film, gaming, animation, surveying and machine vision system. At ISRO, the motivation behind this project is technology development of close range photogrammetry system for stereo vision of rover in chandrayaan-2. The system generates depth map of real world in real time through a stereo pair of camera, fixed at rover. Travelling path for the rover can be generated from that depth map. The approach is, first to develop an algorithm based on two fundamental methods i.e. Collinearity and Coplanarity, Code them in MatLab R2014a, Generate a photogrammetry prototype in Creo 2.0 and produce synthetic data from the model, Validated the code with synthetic data, Analyze sensitivity of the system for artificial external noise, Extract coordinates of global point from a stereo pair of images; taken by a DSLR camera and finally, make whole the system to work in real time.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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