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Title: Design and Analysis of Side Wall Plate for Sinter Vibrating Screen
Authors: Patel, Jenish
Keywords: Mechanical 2013
Project Report
Project Report 2013
Mechanical Project Report
CAD/CAM 2013
Vibrating Screen
Side Wall Plate
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MMCC26;
Abstract: Purpose of the vibrating screen is to separate material in different sizes according to the requirement. This can be achieved by producing vibration with the exciter mechanism. The side wall plate of the vibrating screen is subjected to fatigue loading condition and critical zone is prone to initiate crack. This fatigue crack propagates and reach to its critical level and leads to the final failure of a plate. In order to prevent catastrophic failure and to save replacing and maintaining cost. It is highly required to identify critical zones in a plate where chances of initiation of cracks are more. This can be achieved by designing the plate from basic principles of the fatigue and fatigue crack growth for given loading conditions. Very less literature focusing on analysis using fracture mechanics approach. It is a purely fatigue crack analysis case which suggest that one can get best results with fatigue crack propagation approach. The aim of present work is to identify complete loading condition and stress level of the side plate. First part of the project work involves the analysis of cracked and uncrack plate for given loading condition and critical values of stress and loads are found. The analysis is done using finite element technique and results are compared. In second part above results of the finite element analysis are utilised for redesigning and analysing the plate for modification. The vibrating screen is carried out for modification. Number of iteration and modification are done and out of which best one is proposed for solution for vibrating screen design. All parts of the mechanism are modeled and assembled using CAD software and analysis is carried out using FEA software Ansys Workbench. Overall design model and major parts of structure are analysed using structural analysis technique. Also structural analysis is being carried out and results of it are within permissible limits.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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