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Title: Development of Computer Aided Design of Packaging and Loading Pattern For Machines
Authors: Patel, Himadri Vallabhbhai
Keywords: Mechanical 2013
Project Report
Project Report 2013
Mechanical Project Report
CIM 2013
Optimization Problem
Design Automation
Modeling Automation
Excel Analysis
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MMCM08;
Abstract: Packaging and transportation are one of the major concern for manufacturing sector. Packing problem is kind of optimization of container space utilization problem. It is two dimensional problem that determine arrangement of boxes into a container. The main objective of the container loading problem is to maximize the space utilization in container with practical constrains like orientation of boxes, stability, weight distribution of boxes within containers, shipment priorities, stacking of boxes etc. This maximum utilization with better placement have impact on many factors like reducing number of containers in transportation, cost reduction of damage during transportation, improving transportation cost and economy saving. All these objectives can be met if boxes are packed optimally or near optimally. At present loading of boxes in the container has been carried out manually with trial and error method. It takes lot of time to arrange the boxes in the container eventually three days. Moreover more number of containers were order to meet the requirement. In this project an attempt has been made to develop logistic software to create loading plan. It also optimizes the space utilization and hence predict exact number of container required for loading. The programming has been done in a Microsoft Excel software and it is interfaced with Creo Parametric 2.0 module to develop 3D arrangement of the boxes in the container. The software generates box arrangement with optimum utilization of container space on a single click within no time.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CIM)

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