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dc.contributor.authorPatel, M. B.-
dc.contributor.authorPanchal, S. J.-
dc.contributor.authorPatel, J. A.-
dc.descriptionJournal of Young Pharmacists, 1(3); 2009en_US
dc.description.abstractThe antianaphylactic activity of alcoholic extract of Eclipta alba with two different doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg was studied by using different animal models such as effect on mast cell degranulation using rat mesentery, passive cutaneous anaphylaxis using rat, by measuring leakage of Evans blue dye in skin, passive paw anaphylaxis using rat by measuring the paw volume by plethysmometer. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BaL) ß uid study in guinea pig trachea, measurement of different blood cells, and level of histamine in lung tissues was performed. Treatment with alcoholic extract of Eclipta alba showed a dose dependent beneÞ cial effect on degranulation of mast cells in rats when challenged with Compound 48/80. Further, a dose-dependent beneÞ cial effect was also observed on leakage of Evans blue dye in skin challenged with antigen. Eclipta alba showed beneÞ cial effect on paw anaphylaxis induced by antiserum and also on inÞ ltration of various inß ammatory cells as well as on histamine release from lungs. Antianaphylactic activity of alcoholic extract of Eclipta alba may be possibly due to its membrane stabilizing potential, inhibition of antigen induced histamine release, and inhibition of release of various inß ammatory mediatorsen_US
dc.publisherInPharm Associationen_US
dc.subjectCompound 48/80en_US
dc.titleAntianaphylactic Activity of Alcoholic Extract of Eclipta albaen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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