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Title: Webgen Compiler Installation and Automation
Authors: Joshi, Garima
Keywords: Computer 2013
Project Report 2013
Computer Project Report
Project Report
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MCEC05;
Abstract: Optimize and automate the manual memory generator installation process. Memory generators are used to generate various kinds of memories with various parameters like ( Cut, pvt etc). The aim of the project is to automate the installation process and also provide the customer, transparent view of the installation process using Web interface. With the help of Webgen, cuts which is an area on the silicon chip where different com- ponents are being embedded and to generate them in a logical fashion, Webgen portal is used. Cuts are being generated which are being used by Memory team for memory generation speci cations. Various compilers are being installed on this platform so that the library configs pertaining to various technologies can be incorporated and used by the customers.This project also contains the steps to optimize the process of memory installation. It also incorporate method to clean up the areas which are no longer used by the customers. Memory generator automation will be implemented in Java, Unix shell scripting and partly in perl technology.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE

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