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Title: Semantic Enabled Cloud for Satellite Meteorological Data Processing
Authors: Gadhwal, Somil
Keywords: Computer 2013
Project Report 2013
Computer Project Report
Project Report
NT 2013
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MCEN24;
Abstract: Meteorological data is being captured regularly by our satellites. It can be utilized in multiple ways to obtain useful predictions and meaningful information. This domain contains many applications specific to user's demand such as rainfall prediction or solar prediction, but a generic framework is needed so that every application can be combined under one platform. This work involves huge amount of image processing and deploying some prediction and estimation mechanism which are extremely compute intensive. So this architecture is deployed on cloud computing for utilizing resources efficiently and smartly.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (NT)

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