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Title: Development, Characterization and Application of Hybrid Materials in Coagulation/Flocculation of Wastewater
Authors: Kavathia, Sagar
Keywords: Chemical 2013
Project Report
Project Report 2013
Chemical Project Report
EPD 2013
Hybrid Materials
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MCHE04;
Abstract: Due to rapid industrialization and standard of living of people the amount of stuff which is used in day to day life is gradually increasing and for its fulfilment various industries and their product are required. Due to that wastewater is created and treatment is required. One of the common processes used for the treatment of wastewater is by coagulation and flocculation. Hybrid materials are products which are composed of two or more different types of components in one polymeric matrix. It has unique properties and superior performance compared to that of conventional inorganic coagulants and organic polymeric flocculants. Due to the synergetic effect of hybrid components in one material, hybrid materials hence pose a superior performance than that of individual component. Compared to individual coagulant/flocculants, hybrid materials, which have combined functional components into one prescription, would be a convenient alternative material for the operation of wastewater treatment facilities. In present work, different inorganic- inorganic hybrid materials like polyzinc silicate sulphate and polysilicate ferro aluminum sulphate were synthesis. Also inorganic-organic hybrid materials like FeCl3-PAM, Al(OH)3-PAM, MgCl2-PAM and FeCl3/PAC-PAM were synthesis. Decolourization experiments were conducted for synthetic wastewater, which was prepared using Reactive Black 5 dye. Parametric studies were conducted by varying pH, coagulant/flocculant and initial dye concentration. Performances of hybrid material were compared. In the presence of inorganic-organic hybrid materials better decolourization and TOC removal was observed. A performance of inorganic-organic hybrid materials (FeCl3-PAM, MgCl2-PAM and FeCl3/PAC-PAM) is better than conventional coagulant FeCl3 and MgCl2. The ferric chloride–polyacrylamide hybrid polymer was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to determine the structure of the hybrid polymer chain.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CH (EPD)

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