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Title: Age-dependent Expression of Catspers in Human and Mice Sperm
Authors: Seshadri, Sriram
Purandhar, Kaveri
Pareek, Nivedita
Keywords: Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper, Science
Science, Faculty Paper
Sperm motility
Issue Date: Jan-2016
Publisher: Omics Publishing Group
Abstract: Catspers are crucial for sperm functioning and its motility. This study brings forth the differential expression of Catsper 1, 2 and 4, irrespective of the species. The expression is studied in ejaculated human and mice testicular sperm with progression of age. Decreased expression of Catsper 1 was found in both the study subjects. In contrast, Catsper 4 expression decreased in human while Catsper 4 did not show any trend in mice. It can be concluded that the Catsper 1 can be used as a marker for aging and male infertility.
Description: Andrology, 5(1), 2016
ISSN: 2167-0250
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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