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Title: Automating System Testbehch For VoIP Telephony In Secure Environment
Authors: Trivedi, Kunal
Keywords: Computer 2014
Project Report 2014
Computer Project Report
Project Report
INS 2014
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MCEI26;
Abstract: IP Telephony recently got lot of consideration and will be utilized as a part of IP based systems and in blend with the current traditional phone system.The impediments of the circuit-switching strategies may now be overcome through incorporation with IP Telephony. IP Telephony is a capable and conservative correspondence choice by mix of the telephony network and data network. IP telephony used to send sound, video, fax and so on between two or more clients progressively by means of packet switched system. The principle inspiration of IP telephony is Cost savings and simplicity of creating and coordinating new services. Each product improvement tests its items thoroughly, yet conveyed development de- pendably has imperfections. Test engineers endeavor to catch them before the product is discharged yet they generally creep in and they regularly return, even with the best manual testing. Software tests must be repeated regularly during development cycles to guarantee quality. Each time source code is altered programming tests ought to be repeated. Manually rehashing these tests is expensive and tedious. The feasible solution for this is Automated Testing which once build can be used many times with no extra costs and effoorts.Also these tests are much faster than manual tests.Also it saves lot of time which generally used to be gone in vain in case of manual testing.In this project we are developing an Automation Frame work for the IP Telephony System, which will take care of the coverage of entire use cases of the system. Security is major issue while using open networks which is prone to get intercepted by intruders. This IP Telephony uses thee same set of conventional infrastructure with some modifications so Security is prime concern for that. Now for the Automation of test cases where secure calls are being processed we need to put distinct measures to take care of the underlying security. This framework is a platform-independent Tcl/Tk scripting tool accessing different Sys- tems like Abacus device, VPN Client, BTS Server, PACT, Alicante to perform VOIP telephony system validation.It provides a simple-to-use framework to configure, manage, perform, analyze and automate various call scenarios.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (INS)

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