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Title: Effective Implementation of ISO 50001 for an Efficient System at L&T Heavy Engineering
Authors: Patel, Bhavini
Keywords: Electrical 2014
Project Report 2014
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
ES 2014
Energy System
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MEEN03;
Abstract: Energy Management includes the effective use of energy to reduce en- ergy cost/ waste and to reduce environmental effect. Energy Management can find out area of cost reduction but where waste can occur and scope of improvement can be done by Energy Audit. This project includes study of existing EnMS (Energy Management Sys- tem) and ISO standards of L&T. Energy Management System audits will be conducted and implementations of corrective actions for various pro- cesses to conserve Energy usage will be proposed. The project starts by analyzing current Energy usage pattern, Cost of Energy usage and look for Energy Wastage areas. At later stage, Techniques of Energy Conservation opportunities in various fields-mainly Furnace, Welding Process, Overhead cranes and lighting will be implemented and Energy Usage as well as cost- ing will be fore casted. At the end of project, comparison current data and data obtained after implementing techniques will be done and awareness about EnMS and ISO Standard will be conducted.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (ES)

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