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dc.contributor.authorBhatt, Yash-
dc.description.abstractWith the increase in demand of energy the availability of non renewable sources is decreasing and also there is concern of global warming with use of non renewable energy sources. So there is a need to find new energy resources which are in bulk and also does not effect the environment. Solar is one of the best among all the renewable source of energy resources available today. Nowadays photovoltaic system are mostly recognized and widely used for different types of grid connected system. For dc load solar panel is connected to charge controller and then dc load directly, and for ac load charge controller is further connected to inverter and then to the ac load. Also with increasing demand there arises a need for full utilization of generated solar power, so the concept of grid connected inverter is floated. In standalone system full utilization of power is not there, as when load is not connected the solar power is not used and also in standalone system there is a need of storage system, which is costly and bulky. In grid connected inverter the excess power from the solar is feeded to grid. For feeding power to grid synchronization of inverter voltage and frequency with grid is required which is is done by Phase lock loop. PLL receive the grid voltage and current information, such as the frequency, phase angle and amplitude, for controlling overall system. This report presents simulation of SPWM and 180° conduction techniques for control of grid connected inverter along with filter and PLL. Using C2000 Picoolo TMS320F28027 controller three phase SPWM inverter is implemented, and the hardware is tested for different loads.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectElectrical 2014en_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2014en_US
dc.subjectElectrical Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectEE (PEMD)en_US
dc.subjectPower Electronics, Machines  & Drivesen_US
dc.subjectPEMD 2014en_US
dc.titleSimulation and Hardware Implementation of PV based Grid Connected Inverter for Domestic Loadsen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PEMD)

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