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Title: Generation of Control Strategy for Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive
Authors: Gauswami, Vishalpari
Keywords: Electrical 2014
Project Report 2014
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
Power Electronics, Machines  & Drives
PEMD 2014
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MEEP08;
Abstract: Fast dynamic response and simplicity are the two prime requirements of the industrial machine drives. Induction motor drives using field-oriented control (FOC) have been used in industrial application instead of DC motor for many years. The FOC method has achieved a quick torque response. But in order to achieve expected performance of FOC, exact identification of parameter is required. A new control scheme called Direct Torque Control has been developed for induction motors. DTC drives control the torque and flux of motor by utilizing the hysteresis controllers. On the bases of the flux position and instantaneous flux and torque errors appropriate voltage vector selected to restrict the torque and flux errors within their respective torque and flux hysteresis bands. Predefined switching table provides suitable voltage vector to the stator of induction motors. Absence of the coordinative transformation and modular block make the drives less complex. This project is proposed for the Design, Modeling, Simulation analysis and Implementation of classical Direct Torque Control drive for 3-phase induction motor. This high performance scheme provides very quick dynamic response with simple structure.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PEMD)

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