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Title: Design,Development and Implementation of 100 W Standalone Solar Based Inverter for Domestic Loads
Authors: Singh, Rohit
Keywords: Electrical 2014
Project Report 2014
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
Power Electronics, Machines  & Drives
PEMD 2014
PV Panel
P and O
DC-DC Converter
Cuk Converter
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MEEP25;
Abstract: Today renewable energy resources (especially Solar energy) plays an important role in power generation applications whether it is domestic or industrial (grid connected).In Photovoltaic systems,Solar irradiance and temperature are the main environmental parameters which affect the working of the PV cell(or panel) in terms of changing the electrical parameters of the panel.Every PV panel has an optimum operating point ,called the Maximum Power Point on the P-V curve,whose position changes when the environmental conditions and hence current and voltage changes.Hence it is desires to use a MPP tracker,which operates the PV panel at its Maximum Power Point.For utilising the maximum power from the PV panel,many algorithms are used but the Perturb and Observe(P and O) algorithm is the best trade of between efficiency and complexity. For implementation of MPPT algorithm,Arduino microcontroller is used as it is simple and economical as compared to other controllers.The core of any Photovoltaic system is the DC-DC converter.Among all the basic DC-DC converters, Cuk converter is one of the most suitable converter for PV applications in terms of efficient operation as well as complexity.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PEMD)

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