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Title: Design and Development of Handheld Devices
Authors: Jadhav, Nikhil
Keywords: EC 2014
Project Report
Project Report 2014
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2014
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MECE09;
Abstract: This project work deals with two handheld devices, one for low end and another for high end application. A handheld device is basically an Embedded System which provides computation, communication and data handling facility having form factor of about a standard palm which is easily portable. They may not be as powerful as a computer, however latest handhelds have powerful multi-processors, about few MBs of RAM, OS, SD card for offine data storage, internet connectivity for online data storage and for communication, touch screen and other add-ons. The proposed low end device has 8-Bit PIC18F MCU which has each single Digital Communication peripherals namely UART, SPI, I2C, and also timers, ADC. This device development is generalized, compatible with almost all PIC16F and PIC18F family MCUs for 16x2 character, GLCD, RTC, EEPROM memory, GSM and Key- pad for many different applications as per the requirement of New Way Electronics LTD. The development board is PIC Evaluation V3. The programming language is Embedded C and development environment is mikroC IDE, MPLAB X IDE and XC8 compilers. The high end device is based on Single Board Computer (SBC) Raspberry Pi 2, which has quad-core ARM Cortex A-7 CPU, 1 GB RAM, OS, mini server function- ality, SD card, touch screen and GPU etc. Here Raspbian Wheezy OS is used. The device has online local database on MySQL and also hosted WordPress website, both of these implemented using LAMP server. Also a GUI in QT is made.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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