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Title: Developing Debug Tools and Automating Test Scenarios for Modern Standby Validation on Intel Platforms
Authors: Paul, Priya
Keywords: EC 2014
Project Report
Project Report 2014
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2014
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MECE17;
Abstract: Validation is an inevitable phase in design cycle of product which consists of different functions like exploring the platform requirements, features, capabilities,technologies, think of all possible test scenarios and user experiences, create new test cases,finalize the test plan, setting up of test environment ,explore or develop new tool and finally execute the tests as per test plan, find bugs and verify the fix and at last release a stable and reliable Best Known Configuration.CS/MS is a feature enabled by Microsoft Windows. Standby means PC is in sleep mode and Connected is still connected to a network in sleep mode. The MS lower power debug tool is devel- oped as a GUI tool in C# to check low power features during debugging when the required validation criteria not met in MS validation. The automation of one of the test scenario in MS validation has been done through batch file programming which reduces the amount of manual intervention in the validation process. The debug suite easing Dump file analysis is an automated way of analyzing dump files dur- ing windows crash issues which has been implemented through dll development by writing windows debugger plugins which replaces the conventional way of analysis with the new way of analyzing the dump file with only two commands integrated in the dll. Thus, this providing a time saving analysis and reaching the buggy driver quicker is very required and efficient in the debugging environment as it reduces the time to close a bug. System Diagnostics Debug Tray App developed is for continuous monitoring, logging and notifying the system parameters which are tested while val- idation process.This has been implemented in C# using HWInterface.dll and other win32 APIs. All the issues' analysis has been done from P(n-1) platform and the developed tools have been executed and tested for Pn platforms being existing ones under MS validation, ensuring that all developments lead to an efficient,productive and effective debugging environment.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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