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Title: Debug Framework for SOC Based Windows Tablet and Developing Multimedia Apps
Authors: Shah, Mitsu
Keywords: EC 2014
Project Report
Project Report 2014
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2014
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MECE23;
Abstract: Debugging process has become a very challenging task as technology at platform and software level is increasing. Default debugging tools are not satisfying each and every requirement for upcoming new platforms. So existing tools need to be extend and need to develop new generic tools. So debuggers can debug new technology windows based platform very effectively in less time at kernel level. In this project efforts are given to make debugging process smarter with enabling new exciting real sense features. "Windbg" is a windows based debugger which is used to debug windows based platforms at both user and kernel level. I have developed new commands in DLL extension for windbg to extend this debugger and can satisfy all debugging require- ments for upcoming new technology based on windows platforms. The "Debug Utility" is a standalone tool which has all the commands those are extended for windbg. But this utility directly runs on the targeted system without needing any host or connection and eliminate all dependencies. The "Energy Monitoring Tool" has been developed to monitor battery, charging, thermal and other battery related platform information continuously. The multimedia apps developed in this project have enabled new exciting features of latest technologies and giving amazing experience to users. Bi camera capturing in a single window with single encoded file is capturing dual mode camera preview in a single window with picture in picture format and simultaneously saving it in single file. This app can be used by debuggers to debug new platforms where this new camera feature will be added. Emotion Detection app is detecting humans emotion in real life. Secure System app is securing the individuals system by recognizing unauthorized face.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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