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Title: Finite Element Analysis and Design Optimization for Platens of Injection Molding Machine
Authors: Yagnik, Deepa
Keywords: Mechanical 2014
Project Report
Project Report 2014
Mechanical Project Report
CIM 2014
Injection Moulding Machine
Finite Element Analysis
Maximum Principal Stress
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MMCMS2;
Abstract: Injection Molding Machine is one of the core machines for Indian Plastic Industry. The Injection Molding Machine Manufacturers key interest will be to cater the market need of IMMs with maximum benefit. One of the key requirements of Injection Molding Machine is to have optimized platen design to have competitive edge in market in terms of Design and Cost. The work present includes Finite Element Analysis & Design of Stationary Platen of Injection Molding Machine. The FEA for Maximum Principal Stress of Platen under different mold mounting conditions is done using ANSYS Workbench 15.0 and verified with theoretical calculation and acceptance criteria. The design modifications are done under minimum mold condition to obtain FEA results within allowable limits. The new design is verified under long horizontal mold condition. The accepted new design with Maximum Principal Stress within permissible limits is further considered for optimization. Model Optimization is done for the Stationary Platen and new optimized design is developed.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CIM)

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