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Title: Development of Under Voltage and Shunt Release for MCCBs
Authors: Soni, Darshan
Keywords: Mechanical 2014
Project Report
Project Report 2014
Mechanical Project Report
CIM 2014
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MMCM16;
Abstract: New product development is very essential concept for factory to launch the product. The work describes each and every stage of development for Under Voltage and Shunt Release which is safety (protective) instrument accessories used in Moulded Case Circuit Breaker(MCCBs) to prevent when voltage falling within the range between 70% to 35% of its rated voltage and trips during 70% to 110% of the rated control voltage as per International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) Standards respectively. The main objective of this project is to develop Under Voltage and Shunt release for new range of Moulded Case Circuit Breaker(MCCBs) and establishment of testing Infrastructure. Mechanical Endurance Test verification has been performed, to analyze failure occurred during development phase and improvement has been done to eliminate the observed failure. The process includes Actual Product Quality Approval in Market(APQP) and sample submission to product validation group (PVG) finally establish assembly line. To achieve this objectives methodology adopted is followed by Process Flow Chart, Design for Assembly(DFA), Potential Failure Mode Effect Analysis(PFMEA), brainstorming, Force-Displacement Analysis, Standard Operating Procedure(SOP). The second objective is to develop Quick Changeover Type Workstation in assembly line. In establishment of Quick Changeover Type Workstation cell type manufacturing environment has been conceptualized. Quick Changeover Type Workstation has been designed by use of Solid Works for Under Voltage and Shunt Release Assembly. Through this Work it can be easily understood the development of new product from development to production phase.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CIM)

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