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Title: Intake Manifold Redesign Of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine
Authors: Badheka, Deep
Keywords: Mechanical 2014
Project Report
Project Report 2014
Mechanical Project Report
ES 2014
ES Mechanical
Cold Flow Simulation
Swirl Ratio
Tumble Ratio
Volumetric Efficiency,
Helical Intake Manifold
Helical-spiral Intake Manifold and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MMEN02;
Abstract: In 21st century primary purpose of Internal Combustion (IC) engine inventors is to accomplish dual objectives of finest performance and reduced emission. Performance and emissions of IC engine depends on combustion quality occurs in the cylinder. In order to ensure complete combustion sufficient quantity of air should be available. For maximizing mass of air induced into cylinder during suction stroke, intake manifold design should be optimized. Air motion inside the intake manifold is useful factor which governs the engine performance and emission of diesel engine. Present work primarily incorporates the impact of helical, helical-spiral and conventional intake manifold on air motion and turbulence inside the cylinder at different crank angles. Three dimensional models of intake manifold and cylinder are generated in Creo Parametric 3.0 and meshed using Ansys 16.0 IC engine module. The flow characteristics of air inside intake manifold as well as engine cylinder are analysed in FLUENT 16.0. The predicted CFD results will be helpful to compare with experimental results. Further this report additionally incorporates in-cylinder flow field structure, swirl ratio, tumble ratio, tumble about cross tumble axis and variation in turbulent kinetic energy inside the cylinder with different configurations of manifold. With the help of CFD code flow field can be imagine by solving the governing equations like continuity, momentum and energy. For understanding the physical phenomena involved in variation of kinetic energy the standard K-ε turbulent model is used.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (ES)

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