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Title: Jet Flow Simulation and Parametric Study of Helium and Nitrogen Gases at Cryogenic Temperatures
Authors: Jain, Chirag
Keywords: Mechanical 2014
Project Report
Project Report 2014
Mechanical Project Report
ES 2014
ES Mechanical
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MMEN03;
Abstract: Cryogens like helium and nitrogen are commonly used in large cryogenic systems for forced Flow cooling superconducting magnets and cryopumps. The most of the practical cryogenic systems handle these cryogens at medium to high pressures and flow rates. The leakage of cryogens due to accidental puncture can result in substantial loss of cryogen as well as change in environmental temperature and oxygen content which may be hazardous to surrounding systems as well as human being. The flow characteristics of helium and nitrogen through such punctures need to be investigated as very limited data for the same is available in the present literature. Jet of cryogens coming out of puncture/crack has unique process and geometrical characteristics in terms of jet angle, velocity profile, temperature profile etc. The literature available on the subject of cryogenic jets is very limited and specific to certain defined inputs and conditions. The aim of present study is to develop a simulator for jet of helium and nitrogen using commercially available computational fluid dynamics tool ANSYS to study effect on geometrical and process characteristic of jet for various boundary conditions. The modelling is benchmarked by comparing its results with experimental results available in the literature.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (ES)

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