Idea Lab Project, EE : [19] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2024Electronic Differential SystemAsija, Ansh; Prabhu, Chaitrang
20BEE130_20BEE131_ 20BEE077.pdf.jpgJun-2023Half RealityRupda, Vivek; Joshi, Vivek; Bhanushali, Vivek
19BEE020_19BEE001.pdf.jpgApr-2023Design and Development of Solar EV ChargerBhavsar, Dev; Alisha, Abbi
17BEE082_17BEE118.pdf.jpgMay-2021Piezoelectric TilesPurohit, Nupur; Upadhyay, Heli
17BEE031_17BEE041.pdf.jpgJun-2021Smart Motor SystemsGandhi, Nisarg; Vora, Keval
16BIT007_16BIT008_16BIT018.pdf.jpgJun-2020IoT Enabled Home and Commercial Automation SystemTripathi, Anmol; Agrawal, Akul; Shah, Nisarag
16BEE007.pdf.jpgApr-2019IoT Enabled Electrical Supply Profile Monitor System Using Raspberry PiTripathi, Anmol
15BEE077_15BEE082_15BEE021.pdf.jpgApr-2019Smart Library Book SorterPatel, Dixit; Patel, Tirth; Chauhan, Shreyash
15BEE090_15BEE066_15BIC051.pdf.jpgApr-2019Space D.O.G (Dedicated Operation Globetrotter)Raval, Poornesh; Panchal, Kaushal; Ghonge, Swapnil
14BEE089_14BEE090.pdf.jpgApr-2018Computer Numerical Control MachinePatel, Parth; Patel, Parth
14BEE007_14BEE012.pdf.jpgApr-2018Designing and Development of Grid Connected Solar System Inverter With Transformerless TopologyChoudhary, Aman; Agarwal, Anjul
15BEE099_15BEE114_15BEE123.pdf.jpgApr-2018LIGHT-IT – Light for Visually ImpairedShah, Vraj; Singhal, Tarun; Misra, Vishad
14BEE030_ 14BEE031_14BEE125.pdf.jpgApr-2018Solar-Powered UAV for Surveillance and Geo-MappingDesai, Darshit; Agarwal, Deepesh; Vasa, Vamsi Krishna
15BEE090.pdf.jpgMar-2017Snap and Switch (S.A.S)Raval, Poornesh
13BEE009_13BEE011_13BEE063.pdf.jpgApr-2017Smart Laptop Charger / Battery ManagerPanigrahi, Amit; Sain, Arka; Goyal, Palak
13BEE007_13BEE036_13BEE047.pdf.jpgApr-2016Design and Fabrication of Solid State Circuit BreakerPujara, Akshay; Gandhi, Abhay; Agrawal, Kriti
13BEE028_13BEE030_13BEE032_13BEE088.pdf.jpgApr-2016Mobile Controlled Pick and Place Robot using DTMFGupta, Deepal; Desai, Parthesh; Baxi, Dhyana; Soni, Purab
12BEE017_12BEE056_12BEE061.pdf.jpgMar-2016Transmission Line Inspection RobotVerma, Deepak; Pandey, Pranav; Rajawat, Arun
12BEE039.pdf.jpgMay-2016Development of a Smart Wheelchair for the DisabledPurohit, Snigdha
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19