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Title: Study of Epidemiology and Etiology of Oral Diseases in Ahmedabad
Authors: Barsainya, Shikha Naresh
Keywords: Dissertation Report
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PDR00428;
Abstract: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Oral health is important for general health and for the good quality of life. As per WHO study worldwide, 60-90% school going children and nearly 100% adults are having dental caries. In present study, we found the epidemiology of oral diseases in association with is risk factors in Ahmedabad. METHODOLOGY: Total 600 patients (male=300, female=300) who were suffering from oral disease registered at Karnavati School of Dentistry, Ahmedabad and Upadhyay Dental Clinic and Orthodontic Centre, Ahmedabad, were included in the study. After taking their Inform consent form, a questionnaire was given to all the patients, which contained questions related to the study. All the subjects were included as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The demographic parameter, oral health parameter, life style parameters, medical history and medication history all were collected. Oral disease was identified as gingivitis, periodontitis and caries. The study was prospective and did not require any intervention with the patients. The data obtained was analysed with the help of suitable statistical method. RESULTS: This study included total 600 oral disease patients with or without diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, anemia, hypertension, hypothyroidism, obesity and using some medications like antacids, anti-histamins, anti-depressants and oral contraceptives. From the 600 patients the present included 101 diabetic patients and out of them 60.82% male and 39.17% female were suffering through gingivitis, 61.05% males and 38.94% females suffering through periodontitis, and 56.66% males and 43.33% females suffering through caries. Of the 95 RA patients 37.66% males and 62.33% females were suffering from gingivitis, 41.11% males and 58.88% females were suffering from caries, 39.68% males and 60.32% females were suffering from periodontitis. Total 26 osteoporetic patients were included in the study, out of which 31.58% males and 68.42% females were suffering from gingivitis and periodontitis, and 27.28% males and 72.72% females were suffering from caries. Total 53 patients were anemic amonsgt the enrolled patients out of which 27.08% males and 72.91% females were suffering from gingivitis, 19.36% males and 80.64% females were suffering from periodontitis, 20.84% males and 79.16% females were suffering from caries. Total 47 patients were foud hypertensive in the study out of which 46.81% males and 53.19% females were suffering from gingivitis, 51.16% males and 48.84% females were suffering from periodontitis, and 47.83% males and 52.17% females were having caries. Total 117 obese patients were found in the study out of which 58.58% males and 41.42% females were suffering from gingivitis, 62.36% males and 37.64% females were suffering from periodontists, and 58.06% males and 41.94% females were having caries. Total 6 hypothyroid female were found in the study out of which 3 females were suffering from gingivitis, 2 females were suffering from periodontitis, and 6 females were having caries. Total 4 females taking oral contraceptives were found in the study out of which 4 wereuffering from gingivitis, 2 were suffering from periodontitis and 4 were suffering fromaries. Total 92 patients taking antacids were found in the study out of which 40% males and 60% females were suffering from gingivitis, 42.22% males and 57.78% females were suffering from periodontitis, and 35.14% males and 64.86% females were suffering from caries. Total 22 pateints taking anti-histaminics were included in the study were 90% males and 10% females were suffering from gingivitis, 90.90% males and 9.09% females were suffering from periodontitis, and 85.72% males and 14.28% females were having caries. Total 11 patients taking anti-depressants were found in the study out of which 72.73% males and 27.27% females were suffering from gingivitis, 80% males and 20% females were suffering from periodontitis, and 72.73% males and 27.27% females were having caries. CONCLUSION: From the study we can conclude that oral disease is more prevalent in patients suffering from some systemic disorder or taking some medications. In this study the number of patients suffering from diabetes, RA, osteoporosis, hypertension, hypothyroidism, anemia, obese; and using medicines like antacids, anti-histaminics, anti-depressants and oral contraceptives where less in number when compared to the one who are not suffering from such diseases or taking any medicines which suggests that they might play role in development of oral disease or vice-versa
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Department of Pharmacology

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