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Title: Direct Displacement Based Design of Asymmetric Shear Wall Building
Authors: Shah, Kavisha
Keywords: Civil 2014
Project Report 2014
Civil Project Report
Project Report
CASAD 2014
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MCLC27;
Abstract: Earthquake induces forces and displacements in the structure. The traditional earthquake resistant design in all current codes has been based on forces (i.e. acceleration) rather than displacements. It has been discussed in literature that damages in building due to earthquake can be better quantified by displacement rather than the forces. In Force Based Design(FBD) the critical part is the selection of appropriate member stiffness. FBD method relies on initial elastic characteristics and it is inappropriate to use elastic charac- teristics for the structures responding in-elastically. Displacement Based Design (DBD) is carried out for peak displacement response instead of initial elastic characteristics. This can be done by Substitute-Structure Approach where inelastic system is modelled as an equivalent elastic system. Hence, displacement of the building must be given more importance over acceleration. The new process identified as \Displacement Based Design" in which displacement is considered at beginning of seismic design, is being used. For preliminary design, approxi- mate estimates of yield and ultimate displacements are obtained, the former from simple empirical equations, and later to satisfy following criteria: 1) satisfy code specified drift limits 2) keep the ductility demand within ductility capacity. In the present study, traditional FBD approach given in IS 1893 (Part 1):2002 is reviewed and its limitations are discussed. DBD is firstly implemented to G+3 storey asymmetric shear wall building. Later on DBD is implemented to two configuration of G+15 storey asymmetric shear wall building, in which different position of service core wall is taken. One of the configuration taken has service core wall so placed that it acts as coupled shear wall. Comparison among FBD and DBD shows that later gives higher time period, lower stiffness and lower ductility as compared to reduction factor taken in FBD for the structure to push into in-elastic zone. Base Shear strength by DBD reduces with increase in storeys and increase in drift ratio. In case of coupled shear wall, plastic hinges are formed at ends of coupling beam, energy dissipates at more extensive region with the result being higher equivalent damping. This gives higher time period and hence base shear strength decreases. Comparison among diagonally reinforced coupling beam and conventionally re- inforced coupling beam shows that former can easily accommodate high ductility demand on coupling beam than the later one. Also, the base shear strength with conventionally re- inforced coupling beam has been found conservative as compared to diagonally reinforced coupling beam.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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