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Title: A Novel Approach To Improve The Efficiency Of Fake Websites Detection Techniques: Survey
Authors: Dakwala, Anuj
Lavingia, Kruti
Shah, Rushabh
Keywords: Data Mining
Fake Website Detection
Heuristic Classification
Website Classification
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Feb-2016
Publisher: IJIRSE
Citation: International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science and Engineering
Series/Report no.: ITFCE034-1;
Abstract: The written works on the recognition of phishing attacks have been surveyed by this article. The vulnerabilities existing in the system due to human component is pointed by the phishing attacks. The clients are the weakest component in the security chain due to the adapted broad mechanism by the numerous cyber-attacks which exploit the end users. The phishing issue can be expanded exclusively such as silver figuring technique to mitigate vulnerability, and to relieve particular attacks, multiple techniques are actualised. The phishing mitigation techniques which were insignificant earlier are surveyed because of the aim of the paper. The offensive defense, correction and detection obliging in the overall mitigation process are presented as high level review of classifications around phishing mitigation techniques.
ISSN: 2454-9665
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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