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Title: Performance Evaluation of Transmission Distance And Bit Rates In Inter-Satellite Optical Wireless Communication System
Authors: Joy, Roshni
Lavingia, Ami
Lavingia, Kruti
Keywords: BitRate
Free Space Optics
Transmission Distance
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Feb-2016
Publisher: IJATES
Series/Report no.: ITFCE034-2;
Abstract: The day to day development has advanced the optical communication system from long-lasting fibers to wireless system such as inter-satellite transmission system. This can be accomplished as the optical systems have resulted to be used in space communication as a medium between two satellites. The inter-satellite optical wireless communication link is designed and simulated for performance characterization. In this work we are using optical wireless channels (OWC) for inter-satellite communication and optimize the data exchange depending upon the performance parameters like Quality factor, Bit error rate and Received power. In IsOWC link parameters considered mainly are bit rates and input transmitted power. In this, optical inter-satellite link is modelled using simulation software and then the effect of varying the transmitter power and bit rate of optical communication link is analyzed. The inter-satellite links were modelled and simulated with the help of optical system simulator named OPTISYSTEM.
Description: International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science and Engineering, Vol. 4 (1), February, 2016, Page No. 36 - 40
ISSN: 2348-7550
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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