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Title: Performance Evaluation of Unicast and Multicast Routing in Wireless ad-hoc Networks
Authors: Oza, Parita
Keywords: Unicast
Ad-hoc n/w
NS 2.35
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IJCESR
Series/Report no.: ITFIT011-5;
Abstract: An Ad-hoc network is a collection of autonomous mobile nodes which communicates through multi-hop wireless links. Broadcasting, unicasting and multicasting are different communication techniques. There are various application where collaborative or group communication is required, multicasting is the best choice to go for as compare to unicasting communication. This paper presents performance evaluation of multicast and unicast routing protocol. A network simulator NS-2.35 is used for the performance evaluation. Two performance parameters, packet delivery fraction and throughput are taken for the analysis of the AODV (unicast) and PUMA (multicast) routing protocols.
Description: International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research, Vol. 2 (7), 2015, Page No. 224 - 226
ISSN: 2393-8374
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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