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Title: Data Exchange Model using Web Service for Herogeneous Databases
Authors: Datt, Rajan
Jani, N. N.
Mishra, Rasendu
Patel, Ajay
Keywords: Web Service
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Apr-2015
Publisher: IAEME
Series/Report no.: ITFCA011-4;
Abstract: In this paper, we have purpose method to exchange the data between the various databases that are not having a same formats, due to the heterogeneous structure of the databases. Now in the information technology field there is fast development is there, due to that people are using different network, operating system and applications of heterogeneous platforms. So in order to sharing of information between the various databases we have purposed model using web service to exchange the data between the heterogeneous databases. This model is used to exchange data of various databases using some functions of databases, SOAP, XML, WSDL and UDDI.
Description: International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology, Vol. 6 (4), April, 2015, Page No. 107 - 111
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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