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Title: Life Cycle of Clustering Questions Based on Tags From Question Bank
Authors: Mishra, Rasendu
Modi, Nilesh
Keywords: Text Mining
Types of Text/Document Clustering
Tag based Clustering
Ontology based Clustering
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Nov-2012
Publisher: IJETAE
Series/Report no.: ITFCA014-4;
Abstract: The paper discusses here about Text Mining and its usage in Clustering Multiple choice Question, of various subject, available in the Question banks of various academic institutes. It is generally found that multiple choice questions, of similar concept, can occur at different locations in the question paper and large number of such papers are available, so it is a need of today to cluster these questions based on some Tags provided by the author of the questions. This paper depicts the Life Cycle of such cluster generation and again giving automatic taxonomy to the generated clusters.
Description: International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 2 (11), November, 2012, Page No. 117 - 119
ISSN: 2250-2459
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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