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Title: Computation of Coverage Backup Set for Wireless Video Sensor Network
Authors: Ukani, Vijay
Patel, Keyur
Zaveri, Tanish
Keywords: Video Sensor Networks
Backup Set Computation
Redundant Deployment
Energy Efficiency
Node Duty Cycling
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: TENSYMP 2015 - International Conference of IEEE region 10, IEEE Gujarat Section, GIFT City, Gandhinagar, May, 2015, Page No. 37 - 40
Series/Report no.: ITFCE005-14;
Abstract: Use of camera sensors has increased the scope of applications visualized by Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Video sensors increases the clarity of capture and reduces false alarm rate. Continuous capture and transmission of video streams can be highly energy consuming task given the resource constrained nature of sensor nodes. Also transmission of video stream demands high bandwidth. In applications like border patrolling, in event of intrusion, the system is expected to report the event. High deployment density of nodes results in larger overlap across the area covered by various nodes. Transmission of video streams by all video sensors detecting the intrusion can result in redundant streams, thus increasing energy consumption. Video sensors can vary their capture quality as a function of their backup nodes. Given the directional coverage of video sensor nodes, it becomes a challenging task to identify the set of backup nodes covering the same area. In this paper we investigate existing techniques for backup set computation and suggest a dynamic sized backup set computation method which is efficient and computes minimum sized backup set, minimizing the number of active nodes in the network.
ISSN: 978-1-4799-1782-2/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/TENSYMP.2015.23
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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