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Title: Identification of Reservoir Patterns from the Wireline Logs data Using Fuzzy Logic Analysis Technique
Authors: Chudasama, Vipul
Keywords: Intelligent Techniques
Fuzzy Logic
Wire-line Logs data
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: May-2015
Publisher: Academic Science
Series/Report no.: ITFCE007-2;
Abstract: Intelligent techniques incorporate various algorithms and logic functions to accurately process, analysis and interpret data. There are powerful tool that help in making breakthroughs by transforming the data into information and information into knowledge. Many Company employed in oil exploration established institutions with geoscientists and petro-physicists with aim to identify pattern of reservoir to find oil. Because of heterogeneity complexity conventional tools have limitation with respect to identifying oil production areas and human interpretation. One may tackle this issue with some intelligent techniques, one such technique is Fuzzy logic inference, which can be used to characterize reservoir using the wire-line logs. Fuzzy logic is suited to characterizing vague and imperfectly defined knowledge commonly encountered in most geological data. This paper addresses this issue of pattern identification using Fuzzy logic.
Description: International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science(IJIACS), Vol. 4 Special Issue, May, 2015, Page No. 236 - 239
ISSN: 2347-8616
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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