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Title: Prediction of Density of Fatty Acid Alkyl Esters (Biodiesel) by Various Group - Contribution Methods
Authors: Saxena, Parag
Joshipura, Milind
Keywords: Biodiesel
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IJRSI
Citation: 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Practice
Series/Report no.: ITFCH020-6;
Abstract: Biodiesel is a promising alternative for petro - diesel fuel. Density of biodiesel (Fatty acid alkyl esters or FAAEs) plays an important role in the fuel injection in a diesel engine and is also an important parameter for correlating cetane number, viscosity and heating value of a liquid fuel. Methods for the prediction of density of various types of biodiesel are required. Various versions of Group contribution methods GCVOL have been developed a nd used for the prediction of density of FAAEs. In the present study, density of seven fatty acid methyl esters and three fattyacid ethyl esters was predicted by using three versions of GCVOL methods (GCVOL - Elbro, GCVOL - Ihmels, GCVOL - Pratas). Total 152 dat a points for the experimental values of density of FAMEs and FAEEs were used to find the best method for the prediction of density of FAAE. GCVOL - Elbrogave percentage overall relative deviation of 8.53 for FAMEs and 5.25 for FAEEs and hence this method is being proposed as the best group contribution method for the prediction of density of FAAEs.
Description: International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation: IJRSI, Vol. 3 (1), 2015
ISSN: 2321 - 2705
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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