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Title: Fault Diagnosis in Planar Array Antenna using Takagi-Sugeno type Neuro-Fuzzy Model
Authors: Gehani, Aarti
Pujara, D. A.
Keywords: EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 18-Dec-2015
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (AEMC), December 18 - 21, 2015
Series/Report no.: ITFEC040-7;
Abstract: In this paper, a Takagi – Sugeno type Neuro-Fuzzy model is developed to diagnose the location of a faulty element(s) and estimate the corresponding error in magnitude and phase of excitation current for a 5 x 5 planar array antenna. The array under consideration has an inter-element spacing of λ/2, and a uniform excitation. A deviation pattern is calculated by considering different combinations of location of faulty element(s), error in the magnitude and the phase of excitation current. The results obtained through the proposed model are compared with the calculated values and it is observed that they resemble closely.
ISSN: 10.1109/AEMC.2015.7509109 (DOI)
16142500 (INSPEK)
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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