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dc.contributor.authorJamdar, Ruchita-
dc.contributor.authorPurohit, S. P.-
dc.identifier.citationInternational Civil Engineering Symposium (ICES’14) ASCE (India Section) and VIT University, VIT University, Vellore, March 14 - 16, 2014, Page No. 278 - 286en_US
dc.description.abstractDue to the complexity of wind, all the major code and standard related to wind load of various countries have considered it as Equivalent Static Wind Load (ESWL). For tall and slender structures the dynamic method i.e. Gust Factor Method is suggested originally proposed by Davenport (1967) which is based on the Displacement based Gust Loading Factor (DGLF). Zhou and Kareem (2003) have highlighted that the Moment based Gust Loading Factor (MGLF) offers a more realistic way of distribution of the ESWL along the height of the building compared DGLF. The paper focuses on understanding the wind characterization methodology of DGLF and MGLF, in detail. It also aims towards comparing DGLF based existing Indian Code IS:875(Part-iii)-1987, the method proposed in IS:875 Draft code by Bhandari et al (2006) and the MGLF procedure proposed by Zhou and Kareem (2003). A thirty storey, wind governed, Reinforced Concrete (R.C.) symmetric building is considered. Response quantities like Lateral Wind Force, Displacement, Moment, and Base Shear are calculated and compared using the above mentioned three approaches.en_US
dc.subjectCivil Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleStudy on Characterization of Wind and It’s Effect on Structuresen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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