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Title: Proposed Ontology Framework For Dynamic Resource Provisioning On Public Cloud
Authors: Gadhavi, Lata
Modi, Vishakha
Bhavsar, Madhuri
Keywords: Cloud Computing
Resource Allocation
Resource Management
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Mar-2016
Publisher: IAEME Publication
Series/Report no.: ITFIT004-11;
Abstract: Cloud computing is an essential ingredient of today’s modern information technology. Cloud computing is totally based on internet. With the use of cloud computing resources can be shared from anywhere and anytime. In cloud computing there are multiple users simultaneously requests for the number of services and its important to provision all resources to user in efficient manner to satisfy their requirements. To come out this problem in this paper we had reviwed the different types of resource allocation strategies and proposed an ontology based resource management framwork for dynamic resource allocation. Ontology Framework contain four sections, each section equipped with functionality to collect information regarding all resources available in actual cloud deployment based on signed SLA agreement, and then replies to the user with appropriate allocation.
Description: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology(IJARET), Vol. 7 (2), March - April, 2016, Page No. 118 - 131
ISSN: 0976-6480 (print)
0976-6499 (Online)
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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