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dc.contributor.authorPatel, Sanjay-
dc.contributor.authorBhavsar, Madhuri-
dc.identifier.issnDOI : 10.5121/acij.2011.2102-
dc.descriptionAdvanced Computing: An International Journal ( ACIJ ), Vol.2 (1), January, 2011, Page No. 18 - 26en_US
dc.description.abstractAs grids are in essence heterogeneous, dynamic, shared and distributed environments, managing these kinds of platforms efficiently is extremely complex. A promising scalable approach to deal with these intricacies is the design of self-managing of autonomic applications. Autonomic applications adapt their execution accordingly by considering knowledge about their own behaviour and environmental conditions.QoS based User Driven scheduling for grid that provides the self-optimizing ability in autonomic applications. Computational grids to provide a user to solve large scale problem by spreading a single large computation across multiple machines of physical location. QoS based User Driven scheduler for grid also provides reliability of the grid systems and increase the performance of the grid to reducing the execution time of job by applying scheduling policies defined by the user. The main aim of this paper is to distribute the computational load among the available grid nodes and to developed a QoS based scheduling algorithm for grid and making grid more reliable.Grid computing system is different from conventional distributed computing systems by its focus on large scale resource sharing, where processors and communication have significant inuence on Grid computing reliability. Reliability capabilities initiated by end users from within applications they submit to the grid for execution. Reliability of infrastructure and management services that perform essential functions necessary for grid systems to operate, such as resource allocation and scheduling.en_US
dc.subjectQuality of Service (QoS)en_US
dc.subjectUser Drivenen_US
dc.subjectFaiure To Repair Rateen_US
dc.subjectScheduling Instanceen_US
dc.subjectComputer Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleQos based User Driven Scheduler For Grid Environmenten_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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